To make sure you will receive the goods on time and successfully, please confirm the shipping information (including Delivery Address, Contact Number, Description, Amount) in the commercial invoice we provide before shipment. If you reject to receive the goods because of the shipping information, all the loss( including all the tax, duty, shipping fee) are caused by rejection of goods should be charged by you.
To make sure you with a happy shopping experience, please read and comply with following steps,
Provide the detailed delivery address, contact number if neccessory for us;
Provide the shipping amount value;
Provide the HS code number for us if required;
If you are first time to deal with us or purchase the goods oversea, please contact us directly by mail for the shipping note. We will be always glad to help it.
1. Termless Exchange and Return Conditions:
Product can be exchanged or returned, on condition that the product and packaging are in good condition.
Product can be exchanged or returned, on condition that the product received is not complied with the required one, and the packaging is in good condition.
Remarks: For the case of return, we will contact customer about refund within 5 working days upon the receipt of product.
2. Compensable Service (Freight fees are on customer's account)
Product will experience warranty void on any of the following conditions. Any cost incurred will be on customer's account.
Damage result from misoperation or improper propeller match.
Damage result from user's refit, disassembly and case-opening etc.
Damage result from overloaded.
Damage result from use in extreme weather.
Product(s) that expire(s) the warranty period.
Payment Term
We can accept bank transfer or paypal payment.
The customer shall pay the price set out in order invoice of AGFRC. The payment shall be made by the customer within thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice of AGFRC, unless other payment term is stated in the order confirmation of AGFRC.
The prices set out by AGFRC are exclusive of VAT or other applicable sales taxes or duties, which shall be paid by the customer at the rate and manner for the time being prescribed by law.
You can freely access much of our website without providing any personal information. We do not collect any personal information without your knowledge! Personal information may typically comprise your name, email address, postal address, telephone or mobile number. We reserve the right to make changes to our site, policies, and these Terms and Conditions at any time, so please check back periodically.
The contents in this website are provided for your convenience only. Although AGFRC has attempted to provide accurate information on this Website, it assumes no obligation regarding the accuracy of the information whatsoever. AGFRC may change the contents available on this Website at any time without notice.